Eli Lilly's most recent trend suggests a bullish bias. One trading opportunity on Eli Lilly is a Bull Put Spread using a strike $66.00 short put and a strike $61.00 long put offers a potential 16.55% return on risk over the next 23 calendar days. Maximum profit would be generated if the Bull Put Spread were to expire worthless, which would occur if the stock were above $66.00 by expiration. The full premium credit of $0.71 would be kept by the premium seller. The risk of $4.29 would be incurred if the stock dropped below the $61.00 long put strike price.
The 5-day moving average is moving up which suggests that the short-term momentum for Eli Lilly is bullish and the probability of a rise in share price is higher if the stock starts trending.
The 20-day moving average is moving up which suggests that the medium-term momentum for Eli Lilly is bullish.
The RSI indicator is at 62.56 level which suggests that the stock is neither overbought nor oversold at this time.
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Lilly Shares Insights from Decade-Long Technology Transfer Experience
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PR Newswire – INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 30, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Today Eli Lilly and Company (LLY) published details of its long-standing technology transfer program to increase the global supply of medicines for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Begun in 2003, the effort included Lilly donating manufacturing technology and know-how for two antibiotics to pharmaceutical manufacturers in China, India, Russia and South Africa – all MDR-TB ‘hot spots.' It also served as the foundation for the Lilly MDR-TB Partnership, the company's largest-ever philanthropic effort. The technology transfer was Lilly's response to a dramatic global rise in MDR-TB cases in the late 1990s and early 2000s. After close consultation with global TB experts, Lilly embarked on a novel approach: transferring its manufacturing technology and know-how for capreomycin and cycloserine to seven manufacturers.
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