Lockheed Martin's most recent trend suggests a bearish bias. One trading opportunity on Lockheed Martin is a Bear Call Spread using a strike $150.00 short call and a strike $160.00 long call offers a potential 16.28% return on risk over the next 24 calendar days. Maximum profit would be generated if the Bear Call Spread were to expire worthless, which would occur if the stock were below $150.00 by expiration. The full premium credit of $1.40 would be kept by the premium seller. The risk of $8.60 would be incurred if the stock rose above the $160.00 long call strike price.
The 5-day moving average is moving down which suggests that the short-term momentum for Lockheed Martin is bearish and the probability of a decline in share price is higher if the stock starts trending.
The 20-day moving average is moving down which suggests that the medium-term momentum for Lockheed Martin is bearish.
The RSI indicator is at 47.12 level which suggests that the stock is neither overbought nor oversold at this time.
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